B.S. Communications
Credit Hours
Max Transfer Credit
Class Type
100% online, 6 & 12-week courses
Next Start Date
Apr 1, 2024
Cost Per Credit

Execute effective messages with a bachelor's in communications degree

At the forefront of pretty much anything in life or business is communications. It holds the power to inform, inspire and influence. With Franklin's transfer-friendly online B.S. in Communications, you'll be prepared to shape, lead and deliver integrated communication plans, strategies and tactics within a fast-changing, media-centric world. Change the way business "talks" and you could literally change the world.

Program Availability

On Site

A Personalized Program

Choose your electives to tailor the program to your interests.

Real-World Practitioners

Learn from veteran communication professionals.

100% Online Classes

Earn your degree around your schedule.


Learn how and why to use applied games.

Accredited Online University

Nearly 80% of our students take online courses.

Communications Bachelor's Program Overview

Craft messages that move business forward in a mobile, multiscreen world

Franklin University's online Communications bachelor's degree program equips you to shape, lead, and execute integrated communications plans, strategies, and tactics through a variety of mediums including print, digital, and social media.

Take online Communications courses that teach you to effectively use social and collaborative tools 

Throughout your Communications degree program coursework, you’ll engage in real-world professional practices such as communications planning, audience research, and message development. You’ll also learn how to reach and inspire others to action, collaborate in business-like work groups, and align business objectives within a mobile, multi-screen world.

The online Bachelor of Science in Communications degree program curriculum is broad-based, emphasizing ethical, collaborative, and creative communications; which means at the completion of your studies you’ll be well prepared to deliver strategic communications programs, create targeted messaging for all types of outlets including blogs, websites, and social media, and develop comprehensive campaigns for internal and external audiences.

Customize your Communications major to meet a variety of careers & jobs

With Franklin’s Communications program, you can tailor a rich set of electives to suit your individual interests and goals. Choose from a wide variety of flexible options including marketing, writing, public relations, psychology, human resources management, and more.

Earn your online Bachelor of Science in Communications from a university built for busy adults

Earn your degree on your terms by taking classes 100% online. Accredited and nonprofit, Franklin was built from the ground-up to satisfy the needs of adult learners. Our seamless transfer process and team of academic advisors will help ease your transition to becoming a student, while our flexible course schedules help to balance your education with work, family and life. Get started on your future today.

1 Source information provided by Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI).

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B.S. Communications Graduate

"Learning online not only gave me flexibility, it also provided a sense of community along with the support and motivation I needed."

Future Start Date

Start dates for individual programs may vary and are subject to change. Please request free information & speak with an admission advisor for the latest program start dates.

Spring 2024
Recommended Register By:
Mar 22
Summer 2024
Recommended Register By:
May 10
Summer 2024
Recommended Register By:
Jun 21
Fall 2024
Recommended Register By:
Aug 9
Fall 2024
Recommended Register By:
Sep 20
Fall 2024
Recommended Register By:
Nov 1
Spring 2025
Recommended Register By:
Dec 27
Spring 2025
Recommended Register By:
Feb 7
Spring 2025
Recommended Register By:
Mar 21

Your Best Value B.S. Communications

Choose Franklin's B.S. Communications and get a high-quality degree that fits your life and budget.     

Keep the Credit You've Earned


On average, students transfer in 1/2 of the credits required.

Transfer MORE Credits, Pay LESS tuition*

Max Transfer Credits
Avg Transfer Credits
*$398 per credit, 120 Total Credits, 90 maximum transfer credits, 61 average transfer credits.

Have Credit? Save Time!


Previously earned credit saves you time toward your degree. 

Completion time is calculated based on full-time status and average transfer credits. 


Full-Time, One-Class-at-a-Time

Focus on one 6-week class at a time and maintain full-time status by taking 3 courses per term.

80% of the program can be completed by taking six-week course, one class at a time


Tuition Guarantee

Inflation-proof your degree cost by locking-in your tuition rate from day one through graduation.

Highly Recommended


98% of graduating students would recommend Franklin to their family, friends and/or colleagues.

Source: Franklin University, Office of Career Development Student Satisfaction Survey (Summer 2023)


B.S. in Communications Courses & Curriculum

120 Semester Hours
Fundamental General Education
English Composition
ENG 120 - College Writing (4)

In this course, students acquire the writing competencies necessary for completing analytical and argumentative papers supported by secondary research. A variety of assignments, beginning with personal reflections, build upon one another, as students develop ideas that respond to, critique, and synthesize the positions of others. Students systematize and organize knowledge in ways that will help them in all their courses. The course also emphasizes the elements of critical reading, effective writing style, appropriate grammar and mechanics, clarity of language, and logical and cohesive development. It culminates in submission of an extended, documented research paper.

MATH 215 - Statistical Concepts (4)

This course introduces you to statistics with applications to various areas. The course covers both descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics included are: sampling techniques, data types, experiments; measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, graphical displays of data, basic probability concepts, binomial and normal probability distributions, sampling distributions and Central Limit Theorem; confidence intervals, hypothesis tests of a mean, or a proportion for one or two populations, and linear regression.

OR MATH 160 - College Algebra (4)

This course is designed to prepare students for Applied Calculus and Discrete Mathematics and to provide the mathematical background needed for the analytic reasoning used in other courses. Topics include functions and their graphs, including exponential and logarithmic functions; complex numbers; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices; basic principles of counting and probability; and other selected topics. Note, this course has proctored exam(s).

Choose either MATH 140 Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning or MATH 150 Fundamental Algebra as the prerequisite to MATH 215. Choose MATH 150 Fundamental Algebra as the prerequisite to MATH 160. Course can count as a University Elective.

Social and Behavioral Sciences

6 credits from the following types of courses:
Choose from Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. Must select at least two different disciplines to meet requirements.


6 credits from the following types of courses:
Two courses from the Science discipline. One course must have a lab component.

Arts & Humanities

6 credits from the following types of courses:
Choose from the Art, English Literature, Fine Arts, Humanities, Music, Philosophy, Religion or Theater disciplines.

Additional General Education
PF 121 - Basic Learning Strategies (2)

This course prepares students to be successful lifelong learners both academically and in their chosen careers. Franklin courses require a high level of self-directed learning and focus on the skills required in the workplace and the classroom that are easily transferrable between the two environments. The course includes strategies for time management, goal setting, reading comprehension, and advancing communication skills, including the use of electronic tools to participate in virtual environments.

OR PF 321 - Learning Strategies (2)

This course prepares students to be successful lifelong learners both academically and in their chosen careers. Franklin courses require a high level of self-directed learning and focus on the skills required in the workplace and the classroom that are easily transferable between the two environments. The course includes strategies for advancing communication skills, including the use of electronic tools to participate in virtual environments. The assignments and activities in the course are created to closely simulate teamwork found in the workplace.

COMM 150 - Interpersonal Communication (4)

By using applied critical and creative thinking, students in this course will develop a set of communication skills that will enhance their personal and professional relationships and endeavors. This course will focus on skill development in key areas such as self, perception, listening, verbal messages, conversations, relationships, conflict management, persuasion, and presentation skills.

OR SPCH 100 - Speech Communication (4)

This basic public-speaking course intends to improve the student's ability to think critically and to communicate orally. Theory and practice are provided in various speaking situations. Each student is required to speak before an audience, but class work also involves reading, gathering and organizing information, writing, and listening.

ENG 205 - Business & Professional Writing (4)

This is an advanced composition course focusing on writing for business and professional purposes. Students will review the writing conventions commonly expected within business and professional environments, as well as strategies for analyzing rhetorical situations within those environments. Coursework includes analysis, revision, and research exercises, as well as substantial practice in composing business correspondence. The final project is an extensive, researched business proposal developed in stages and presented to the class. Students will be encouraged to relate course materials to their major programs and workplace experiences.

OR ENG 220 - Research Writing: Exploring Professional Identities (4)

This is an intermediate course focusing on the composition of research papers. Students in this course prepare to be active participants in professional discourse communities by examining and practicing the writing conventions associated with their own fields of study and work. By calling attention to the conventions of disciplinary writing, the course also prepares students for upper-division college writing and the special conventions of advanced academic discourse. Course activities include three extended research papers, semi-formal writing addressing interdisciplinary communication, and readings fostering critical engagement with disciplinary conversations.

Professional Core
COMM 202 - Introduction to Mass Media (3)

In this course students learn how to critically engage and make sense of the media around us and become media literate consumers who are knowledgeable and self-critical of mass media content. In addition to introducing students to the use of media, in both contemporary and historical contexts, this course will help students develop the analytical tools that they can use to examine media content, intent, context, and subtext in order to explore what and how we learn from the media, and how media shape our perceptions in regard to race/ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, geography, and education as well as how media operate and exert their influence on individuals and society.

COMM 205 - Professional Communication (2)

In this course students will learn how to apply principles of intelligent visual design to professional communication and self-presentation. The focus will be on helping students reframe how to look outward to the professional world, and how to get professionals to view them as great employees and collaborators. How do you seek information to better understand organizations and professional opportunities? How do you present yourself to employers or prospective clients? Throughout the course students will receive professional mentoring and participate in an informational interview. Students will enhance their skills in impression management and communication through social media such as Linked In, blogs, and digital portfolios. Each assignment is tailored to fit the students? professional goals and career path. This course is intended for all academic majors.

MKTG 300 - Marketing (4)

Theory, strategies and methods are foundational to the informed practice of marketing. Students investigate the importance of marketing to an organization or cause, the interrelationship of the difference phases of marketing, the marketing of goods versus services, analysis and identification of markets, pricing strategies and digital marketing tactics.

PBRL 325 - Public Relations (4)

A course in the technique of establishing and maintaining public relations with an examination of the public relations functions of some of the large concerns. Exercises in practical application of public relations techniques are included.

COMM 211 - Theories of Communication (3)

In this course, we address what communication theory is and learn more about several specific theories applied in current communication research. Students will also explore how theories of communication and media can be useful in practice.

Technical Credit

8 credits from the following types of courses:
Computer programming and/or computer literacy, Journalism and Media, Digital Arts or Digital Communication Arts, Graphic design, web development, video game design, video production, and/or video camera use or photography.

Major Area Required
COMM 315 - Communication Ethics (4)

This course examines the strategies involved in effective, ethical communication in professional contexts. Students examine principles of ethical organizational communication and the temporal/cultural/social forces behind those principles, as well as apply reasoning and critical thinking in individual and group assignments. Comparing values and perspectives from diverse cultures, students will respond to cases in an intercultural professional environment.

COMM 335 - Communication in Groups and Teams (4)

The course examines current theories and best practices of working collaboratively in professional contexts. Students apply these concepts to analyze their own work experience, generating strategies for how to improve their performance in work groups. Students will learn basic project management skills and work in online virtual teams to complete a final communication project.

COMM 495 - Communications Capstone (4)

This course gives students the opportunity to apply prior learning to address communications challenges facing organizations today. Leading-edge concepts in influencer marketing and integrated media strategies are introduced, and students apply their learning through case-study-based assignments to produce career-relevant work samples. Students complete their portfolios, demonstrating program learning outcomes and skills relevant to their career goals.

COMM 321 - Organizational Communication (4)

The course examines the role of communication in organizations. Students will learn the major theories of organizational communication, identifying and defining primary concepts, and applying them to discussions of real-world situations. The role of technology, corporate culture, leadership, teamwork, ethics, and diversity in communication is examined. Effective communication in global organizations and critiques of organization communication systems and structures are also presented.

OR COMM 400 - Intercultural Communication (4)

This course provides an overview of issues, processes, and theories involved with communicating with individuals from different cultures. Topics include thinking and communicating in global contexts and professional relationships in diverse environments.

MKTG 332 - Marketing Research (4)

Students develop an understanding of the theories and techniques of planning, conducting, analyzing and presenting market studies. Students will study different methodologies with emphasis on primary research including questionnaire design.

OR SOCL 335 - Applied Research Methods (4)

Applied Research Methods introduces students to the basic research designs and data collection techniques involved in human subjects? research common to social research environments. After completion of this course, the student should know the basics of social research ethics, the steps of the research process, the strengths and weaknesses of selected types of qualitative and quantitative research strategies, issues of selecting or creating and refining instruments of measurement, how to properly select an appropriate sample of subjects, and how to interpret selected statistical measures utilized in hypothesis testing.

Major Electives

12 credits from the following types of courses:
Students may enroll in any course from any focus area and are not limited to just one area of focus. *Other courses may be accepted as Major Electives upon review by the Program Chair.

Optional Focus Areas include: Human Communication: This focus area prepares students for careers in general management of communication and information across various contexts. Digital Communication: This focus area compliments the foundations of communication covered in the program and emphasizes data-informed digital communications. Health Communication: This focus area complements the foundations of communication covered in the program by helping students understand the healthcare landscape, including major stakeholders and interconnected organizations in public health. Strategic Communication: This focus area complements the foundations of communication covered in the program by helping students connect management perspectives, digital marketing strategies, and promotional tactics that are applied in the strategic communication function. Public Relations (new focus area 2023): This focus area complements the foundations of communication covered in the program by enabling students to develop skills needed for a career in public relations, including audience research, writing press releases and promotional copy, and designing PR campaigns. For the PR focus, complete 12 credit hours at 300 or 400 level in PBRL (e.g.: PBRL 350 – Media Research & Writing (4), PBRL 425 - Media & Crisis Communication (4), PBRL445 - Public Relations & Promotional Strategy (4), or COMM/PBRL 410 Internship (cross-listed with INTE 410).

Students with 90+ credit hours and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 may choose to take a graduate-level course. The following courses are recommended: PUAD 701 - Foundations of Government & Nonprofit Administration (4) MGMT 707 - MBA Foundations (4) MCM 707 - Marketing Communication Foundations (4) PSYC 601 - Introduction to Business Psychology (4)

PR Focus students must complete a minimum of 16 credit hours in PBRL, not including the capstone. Students can meet this requirement by selecting any 300 or 400-level PBRL courses as major electives (e.g.: PBRL 350 – Media Research & Writing (4), PBRL 425 - Media & Crisis Communication (4), PBRL445 - Public Relations & Promotional Strategy (4), or COMM/PBRL 410 Internship (cross-listed with INTE 410)

University Electives

28 credits from the following types of courses:
Any undergraduate courses offered by the University except developmental education courses.

Optional Focus Areas

3 credits from the following types of courses:
PBRL 300 or 400-level


12 credits from the following subjects: BSAD, COMM, COMP, ENG, HUMN, IMD, INFA, ITEC, MKTG, RMI, PBRL, PSYC, PUAD, SPM, PATH

Students can customize their Human Communication focus by choosing 12 semester hours from at least two different disciplines.


At least 2 of the following courses:

Digital Communication Group 1

DATA 300 - Introduction to Analytics (4)

This course introduces the fundamentals of Business and Data Analytics. Students will learn business problem framing, data wrangling, descriptive and inferential statistics, data visualization, and data storytelling in analytics.

MKTG 340 - Digital Marketing (4)

Students investigate and evaluate various digital marketing and communication strategies and tactics. An emphasis is placed on critical evaluation skills, as well as social media, search marketing, websites, email, and the evaluation of digital marketing initiatives. Students create a full digital marketing plan for a real-world company.

PATH 1402 - Marketing Analytics & Performance Optimization (3)

This course aims to give students the skills needed to analyze results of marketing efforts. Students will learn about factors that drive conversion and how to optimize their efforts using data and A/B testing. Students will understand what the key metrics for digital marketing are. Students will be assessed through a final project that gives them an opportunity to get hands-on experience using spreadsheets, Google Analytics and analyzing an A/B test. Basic internet skills and an understanding of Google Workspace or Microsoft Office applications are recommended.

PATH 1101 - Business Analytics Fundamentals (3)

This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of Business and Data Analytics. It aims to develop their understanding of analytics in the context of a business and to provide a framework for students to apply topics such as framing a business problem, stakeholder analysis, data wrangling using Google Sheets, data visualizations, descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, and data storytelling in business. After this course, students will be able to clean, visualize, analyze, and communicate data insights to stakeholders.The course is part of the Tableau Business & Data Analytics Certificate in Collaboration with Tableau & Silicon Valley Bank, and it is required to gain the certificate.

PATH 1102 - SQL for Analytics (3)

This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of SQL. Students will learn to identify the role and structure of relational databases as they apply to data analytics, apply the Structured Query Language (SQL) in MySQL for data manipulation language (DML), apply the Structured Query Language (SQL) in MySQL for data definition language (DDL), and apply normal forms (1NF, 2NF, & 3NF) for database normalization. The course is part of the Tableau Business & Data Analytics Certificate in Collaboration with Tableau & Silicon Valley Bank, and it is required to gain the certificate.

At least 1 of the following courses:

Digital Communication Group 2

MKTG 345 - Social Media Marketing (4)

In this course, students will explore and experience the techniques for integrating Social media marketing as an integral component of a robust digital marketing campaign. Through an investigation of tools which include Internet forums, message boards, blogs, wikis, podcasts, picture sharing, video sharing, and social networking, students will have the opportunity to create and present a written plan for achieving business goals through the use of a social media marketing campaign. Also, by actively engaging in a hands-on simulation, the student will see the results of their social media marketing decisions.

IMD 300 - Digital Media Design (4)

This course explores motion graphic design using Adobe After Effects. The focus will be on creating video that can be used in interactive media projects, web sites, and social media contexts. The course examines common practices and methods of creating professional quality media using current technologies. Students work individually and in teams to design, develop, and implement digital media for projects.

DATA 310 - Data Visualization (4)

This course introduces data visualization fundamentals using the leading visualization tools in the industry and focuses on project-based learning. Students will learn how to develop dashboards and discover insight effectively based on data.

PATH 1402 - Marketing Analytics & Performance Optimization (3)

This course aims to give students the skills needed to analyze results of marketing efforts. Students will learn about factors that drive conversion and how to optimize their efforts using data and A/B testing. Students will understand what the key metrics for digital marketing are. Students will be assessed through a final project that gives them an opportunity to get hands-on experience using spreadsheets, Google Analytics and analyzing an A/B test. Basic internet skills and an understanding of Google Workspace or Microsoft Office applications are recommended.

PATH 1403 - Social Media Marketing (3)

This course gives students a deeper understanding of the role social media plays in a digital marketing strategy. Students will learn about different platforms and their best practices. Students will create a social media strategy. The students will be assessed through a capstone project completed throughout the course. The project will give students an opportunity to test their social media skills as well as creating a simulated ad campaign on the Facebook platform. Basic internet skills and an understanding of Google Workspace applications are recommended.

PATH 1103 - Data Visualization With Tableau (3)

This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of using Tableau Desktop in the context of business and data analytics. Students will explore the role and application of data visualization in the data analysis process using Tableau. They will create and design both static and dynamic tables, data visualizations, dashboards, and stories while incorporating visual design best practices to better communicate insights to the intended audience, such as business stakeholders. Students will also connect multiple external data sources (e.g., Text Files, Excel, SQL databases) to Tableau and optimize large data to efficiently wrangle and analyze real-industry data.


At least 1 of the following courses:

Health Communication Group 1

HIM 150 - Medical Terminology (2)

This course will introduce the foundations of medical terminology nomenclature and use. Emphasis will be on the fundamentals of prefix, word root, and suffix linkages to build a broad medical vocabulary.

COMM 410 - Communications Internship (1-4)

This course provides qualified students with an opportunity to receive academic credit for supervised professional training and experience in an actual work environment. This Internship is an ongoing seminar between the student, the faculty member and the employment supervisor. It involves an Internship Application and Learning Agreement, periodic meetings with the faculty representative, professional experience at a level equivalent to other senior-level courses and submission of material as established in the Internship Application and Learning Agreement. Participation cannot be guaranteed for all applicants.

PATH 1301 - Foundations of Project Management (3)

In this course, students will be introduced to the foundations of project management. Students will familiarize themselves with the role of the project manager and the leadership skills they will need to be successful project managers. Students will be introduced to Asana, and other project management tools such as spreadsheets. They will learn essential information about projects, project life cycles, project management processes and methodologies. Students will explore stakeholder management, and create a plan for engaging with stakeholders. They will produce a project charter, a scope statement and a work breakdown structure, all of which provide a strong foundation for a project. This course is aimed at students with little or no background in project management.

At least 2 of the following courses:

Health Communication Group 2

PATH 1302 - Effective Project Planning (3)

In this course, students will become familiar with project management tools such as Google Sheets and Asana. Students will use tools to create a project schedule and budget. Students will also learn about procurement and project resources. Students will develop project kickoff activities, like planning an agenda for a meeting and setting up communications for the project team and stakeholders. Students will also create a communication plan. This course is aimed at students with little or no background in project management

PUBH 201 - Introduction to Public Health (4)

This course provides a basic introduction to public health concepts and practice by examining the philosophy, purpose, history, organization, functions, tools, activities and results of public health practice at the national, state, and community levels. The course also examines public health occupations and careers. Case studies and a variety of practice-related exercises serve as a basis for learner participation in practical public health problem-solving simulations.

PUBH 250 - Health Behavior (4)

This course will provide students with an overview of how the social and behavioral sciences contribute to primary prevention in the rapidly expanding field of health behavior. Emphasis will be placed on theory-driven approaches that are supported by empirical investigations. Students will acquire a working knowledge of foundational theories used in public health practice as well as the ability to measure key theoretical constructs.

PATH 1303 - Risk, Quality and Integration Management (3)

In this course, students will focus on addressing risk and ensuring quality in projects. Students will also learn techniques for monitoring a project and for managing work and deliverables throughout a project's life cycle. Students will use tools to make reports. Students will study change control and review, approve, and manage changes related to a project and communicate the changes to stakeholders and team members. Finally, students will learn how to close a project and conduct a retrospective on a project to improve organizational operations. This course is aimed at students with little or no background in project management.


At least 1 of the following courses:

Strategic Communication Group 1

MGMT 425 - Organizational Change (4)

This course analyzes the forces that drive organizations to change, examines impediments to change, and surveys a range of approaches for making organizational change more effective. Students will develop an understanding of change processes and develop practical skills for becoming an organization change agent.

MGMT 440 - Organizational Culture & Performance (4)

This course focuses on the relationship between an organization's culture and its performance. The challenges and opportunities presented to both leaders and followers in adapting to and implementing organizational cultural change are addressed in this course. The impact culture has as a mediating factor between a leader's style and the effective performance of an organization is examined in this course.

PATH 1201 - Introduction to Salesforce (3)

In this course, students will explore the Salesforce fundamentals covered in the Customer Relationship Management for Business course from the perspective of a CRM system administrator. They will learn how to conduct the typical job functions of a junior Salesforce administrator, who is responsible for setting up and maintaining an organization's Salesforce instance. Students will explore Salesforce user management, platform customization, and user interface configuration, then get hands-on practice by translating and fulfilling simulated "feature requests" from business users, managers, and other stakeholders. Students will create a custom app to meet a business-specific use case, and also learn how to customize Salesforce reporting tools to address analytical requests.

At least 1 of the following courses:

Strategic Communication Group 2

MKTG 340 - Digital Marketing (4)

Students investigate and evaluate various digital marketing and communication strategies and tactics. An emphasis is placed on critical evaluation skills, as well as social media, search marketing, websites, email, and the evaluation of digital marketing initiatives. Students create a full digital marketing plan for a real-world company.

MKTG 435 - Digital Marketing Analytics (4)

In this course students will explore the process of analyzing the Internet Data that is obtained from Google Analytics. Marketers want to know if their websites are attracting visitors and whether or not their investment is paying off. With web analytics, you can identify website trends. You will also understand how visitors interact with your website. You can identify the navigational paths or problems that prevent visitors from completing their conversion goals. By segmenting visitors, you can also find out how profitable your search marketing campaigns are across search engines.

PATH 1202 - Customer Relationship Management for Business (3)

This course is designed to introduce students to the use cases of customer relationship management systems, specifically Salesforce, and how end users on sales teams leverage Salesforce's Sales Cloud Lightning tool. Students will learn how sales team members like Sales Development Representatives, Account Managers, Sales Managers, and Customer Service Managers use the tool, in the process building a foundational understanding of Sales Cloud and Service Cloud, Salesforce's most widely used products. Students will learn how information like accounts, contacts, records, leads, and opportunities are stored in Salesforce. They will gain practical skills working with Sales and Service Cloud by updating information according to the sales process, creating basic reports and dashboards for forecasting projections, and understanding how standard user profiles and permissions work.

At least 1 of the following courses:

Strategic Communication Group 3

PBRL 425 - Media & Crisis Communication (4)

Today’s public relations professionals have entered a new era where preparedness to respond rapidly to various levels of crisis is essential. Building a positive reputation through the strategic management of communications with internal and external audiences during good times is a necessary foundation for withstanding negative press. Utilizing analysis techniques, public relations tactics, and hands-on projects, you will evaluate crisis situations, create and implement a strategic crisis communication plan, and learn to coach the corporate spokesperson and manage the media, while maintaining the organization’s reputation.

PBRL 445 - Public Relations & Promotional Strategy (4)

In this course students will research, develop, and implement persuasive public relations campaign strategies appropriate to corporate, governmental, and/or not-for-profit organizations. This advanced course is designed for professionals who require specialized skills in public relations and promotional communication.

COMM 410 - Communications Internship (1-4)

This course provides qualified students with an opportunity to receive academic credit for supervised professional training and experience in an actual work environment. This Internship is an ongoing seminar between the student, the faculty member and the employment supervisor. It involves an Internship Application and Learning Agreement, periodic meetings with the faculty representative, professional experience at a level equivalent to other senior-level courses and submission of material as established in the Internship Application and Learning Agreement. Participation cannot be guaranteed for all applicants.

PATH 1203 - Advanced Topics in Salesforce Admin (3)

Building upon Salesforce fundamentals and basic administration/customization skills gained from the Customer Relationship Management for Business and Introduction to Salesforce Administration courses, this course will challenge students to utilize increasingly complex Salesforce functionality as a CRM system administrator. Students will learn to customize advanced Salesforce settings and implement a permissions and sharing model to control access to data and records. They will learn how to enable and configure standard Sales and Service Cloud features to support business-specific use cases. They will deepen their understanding of how to translate business requirements into functional specifications and configure custom features using Process Automation tools. Students will learn how to use Salesforce tools to improve and maintain data quality. They will also explore and configure advanced analytics capabilities through historical trend reports, joined reports, and creating dynamic dashboards.

Additional Requirements

All students are required to pass College Writing (ENG 120), and either Basic Learning Strategies (PF 121) or Learning Strategies (PF 321) prior to enrolling in any course at the 200 level or above. Students who enroll at Franklin with 30 or fewer hours of transfer credit are required to pass PF 121 Basic Learning Strategies in place of PF 321 Learning Strategies. Interpersonal Communication (COMM 150) or Speech Communication (SPCH 100) must be taken prior to enrolling in any course at the 300 level or above. Students must also meet the University algebra competency requirement.

Academic Minors

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Microcredentials Align with Job Essentials

In today's dynamic work environments, adaptive professionals thrive. A microcredential - either as a stand-alone course or integrated into your degree program - is a short, skill-specific recognition that enables you to demonstrate your competency in a distinct area. Like Franklin's degree programs, microcredentials are aligned with market and industry demand to ensure what you learn can be put to use right away. Microcredentials are easily shared via digital badges and can be stacked to create a unique portfolio of in-demand skills.

B.S. Communications Program Details

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Communications Jobs & Opportunities

Community Relations Specialist

Community Relations Specialists plan, execute, and manage outreach programs to promote organizations, bring awareness to intended audiences, and create positive community connections.


Copywriters create a variety of content, including direct mail, emails, advertisements, press releases and articles in support of marketing, advertising and public relations campaigns.

Corporate Communications Manager

Corporate Communications Managers collaborate in planning, creating, and delivering specific messages to internal and/or external audiences.

Corporate Trainer

Corporate Trainers educate, inspire, and guide employees to achieve maximize productivity, efficiency, and ability.

Interactive Communications Manager

Interactive Communications Managers oversee the planning, implementation, budgeting, and resourcing of interactive projects, leading teams to successful project completion.

Public Relations Specialist

Public relations specialists help create and communicate information to internal stakeholders, the public and the media on relevant topics and issues.


Recruiters fill job openings by developing recruiting plans and employing sourcing strategies to locate, interview, test, place, and assimilate qualified employees.

Technical Communicator

Technical Communicators translate complex data into written text, including instruction manuals, reference materials, and articles for both technical and non-technical audiences.

Web Content Developer

Web Content Developers create optimized text for websites, social network groups, blogs, and other interactive media in order to reach intended audiences, support interactive campaigns, and improve search engine rankings.

Communications Career Outlook


From 2021-2031, jobs in Communications are expected to increase by 5%

All Occupations

21,366,693 jobs
22,481,983 jobs
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Public Relations Specialists

277,650 jobs
303,218 jobs

Public Relations and Fundraising Managers

92,630 jobs
102,025 jobs

Advertising and Promotions Managers

26,084 jobs
27,343 jobs

Source information provided by Lightcast.

Communications Knowledge & Skillsets

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